Thursday, May 29, 2008

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

Hey guys, have you asked yourself this question lately? I have. And while I used to dream about being a rock star, these days I have been able to identify who I want to be like and continue to learn how to be more like Him. What about you?

PS-our band in High School was called "3 Days to Midnight"...this picture was taken in 1987.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This is from my daily calendar:

"Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life." --Matthew 7:14

Great leaders always have self-discipline. As General Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "There are no victories at bargain prices." When it comes to self-discipline, people choose one of two things: Either they choose the pain of discipline, which comes from sacrifice and growth, or they choose the pain of regret, which comes form taking the easy road and missing opportunities. Each person in life chooses.

Reminds me of the song...though there's pain in the offering...blessed be your name...FYI-Dwight D Eisenhower was the 33rd President of the United States and served 2 terms 1953-1961 after leading our troops to victory in WWII.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Thailand Ahoy!

Hey men! Aaron here. Just wanted to let you guys know that Devin and I (along with his wife and a few others) are going on a two week trip to an orphanage in Thailand. The "Thai-Unit" needs much prayer... and money (specificly $26400 more than we already have). We held a bake sale last Sunday and the Lord's hand was totally moving. We raised $2200!!! If you guys wish to help out, you can make donations. You can give mula to Devin or I, or if you see Ryan or any of the other staff at Reality just give the money to them and say, THAILAND!!!

They'll know what to do with it. ;]

Much Love

Friday, May 23, 2008

Taking care of your Heart

"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." --Hebrews 3:13

Hey guys, I just downloaded Captain Israel's (aka Britt Merrick) sermon notes to follow along as I viewed the podcast of last Sunday's message. What a difference having the notes make. I wanna encourage you to do the same. Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. God bless our troops!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hey guys, Taylor here. This past week a family that we are close to in Spokane lost their dad in a small plane crash. Those who survived said he was helping others get out as the plane was upside down in the lake, but he failed to get out himself. His wife survived but suffered hypothermia. He was a cardiologist, a father of two girls and one boy. He was that doctor that really cared about people, and he continued that care right up to his last breath. Please lift up the Stifter family in prayer.

Also, my roomate and friend through college lost his twin brother this morning. He had heart surgery a few days ago and never fully recovered. His name is Brandon Waldron. Derrien, my buddy is heartbroken. Please pray that his faith would increase through this, and lift up the Waldron family as they all work through this. Pray that this would bring them all closer to the Good Lord. These kinds of things can be landmarkers for people as they either cling to God, or run very far away.

I have realized this week that life is just too precious to take for granted. May we all reach out to those we love in times of trial and joy. God is so good that I already had tickets to fly there this weekend for my brothers graduation. I am looking forward to spending some time with Derrien. Thanks guys. TG

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Story of Friendship

Hey Guys,

I've shared with most of you the story of my past life and how I used to live before I got saved. And one person you've heard me talk about on many occasions and whom we have prayed for many times is my friend Matt.

No one other than God himself knew me more than this man during these years of my life. And I was nowhere near God--but now, looking back, this is a testimony of how I saw the love of God in my friend and how God worked in a friendship between two non-believers.

It was 1997 and the truth of the matter was I had nothing to show from over a decade of distributing drugs. And even if I had the furniture, cars, women, power, money (in terms of cash flow) and so called respect, I know it wouldn't have changed the fact that I was still miserable and trying to self-medicate myself into a world that just simply did not exist (except inside my head).

Dealing with this reality became more and more difficult as the years went by which resulted in more and more frequent and heavy drug use. I smoked pot everyday and loved ecstasy. I always had an arsenal of drugs that I traveled with to be ready for any situation I could try to manipulate into my fantasy world. Occasionally, I would take off on a "marathon run" which was anything over a weekend of partying hitting the beach, bars, and strip clubs (not necessarily in that order). When I wouldn't show up after a day or two, Matt would sometimes find me just to make sure that I was okay and ask me if I was planning on coming home--never telling me what I should do even though it was costing both of us obscene amounts of money by my staying out. Rather he would let me know that I could always leave right now and come home with him and get some rest. I always needed rest. On this particular "marathon", in which I traveled from South Carolina to Florida and back, I ate over 100 pills. I don't really remember much except for the girls, Twix bars, and the sudden realization that I was too far away from home. There was no rational thought to what or why I did what I did. But what I remembered very clearly was finally coming home and arriving at Matt's front door. He was expecting me and I was expecting judgment because I knew that this was a recurring pattern of behavior in my life that I was choosing and it was affecting him. If the roles were reversed, there's NO WAY I would have reacted the way he did or said the things he spoke to me on that day.

We had other friends inside so he stepped out and we stood together for a minute. I could feel his concern for my well being by the way he looked at me. He told me that he cared about me...that the people out there were not my true friends...that he was glad that I was home...that we'd deal with the details later and to come in and get some rest. I always needed rest. Not one question, raised voice or judgmental look--it was just mercy & grace.

The following year we were indicted on Federal Drug charges for Conspiracy to Possess and Distribute Marijuana & MDMA (ecstasy). I gave him his first pill just a few years earlier and as evidenced by my actions above (which is just one example, and one of the reasons I was so relationship retarded) was the underlying fact that I was a lousy friend. Even when I was a little kid, I would make plans with many of my friends saying that I would ride bikes with them after elementary school but never show up or let them know that I was going to ride with someone else. But doesn't natural, human friendship have limits? Doesn't it take super-natural power to exhibit true friendship? Well then how can a man display mercy & grace and love like a true friend before knowing Christ like my friend Matt?

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."--Romans 5:8

I plead guilty and did 37 months while Matt was sentenced to 21. Matt could have avoided going to prison all together if he would have just told the Feds that I had sold him pills just one time. He refused to cooperate and went to prison instead. During my entire bid, I never received one letter or picture from any of my so-called friends...except from Matt (which, by the way, is prohibited by the Feds as convicts are not allowed to associate with one another during their incarceration or supervised release)

After I got saved in 2004, Matt was the only friend I had left and I was going to make sure that I shared with him what I had recently learned about who God is and (at the time) what little I knew about His character. But I knew enough to realize that Matt's love towards me as a friend was straight from our Heavenly Father which I recognized as Jesus Christ on the cross when I finally laid my life before Him.

Going forward, I'm striving towards becoming a better friend with each one of you and all of the people God has placed in my life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. All of you have been such a blessing to me and it challenges me to give back, now understanding that friendship isn't about what people can do for me but how I can exhibit God's love by showing mercy & grace to my friends regardless of whether they are following Jesus. Oh, how much more clearly I see looking back at how God pursues us.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Update: Chris at Calvary Ranch

Please pray (continually) for Chris. He's doing much better today. And so it is in our lives, one day we're fine and the next day a GIANT shows up at our door. Don't forget to post your own requests. Scripture is always right:

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." --James 5:16

Monday, May 12, 2008

Book Recommendation

Hey brothers...

On the topics of recommended books... I have been reading Exodus by Leon Uris. It is a fictional account of the birth of the nation of Israel. This phenomenal book records the history of the Jewish people and the faithful hand of God redeeming a deeply tragic exile and restoring his chosen people to the Promised Land. It does not come from a necessarily Christian perspective but will definitely impart a deep appreciation for a land and people that has been a central point of God's focus for thousands upon thousands of years. It is also a fun and entertaining read.

God bless ~ Ivan

Men's Group @ Taylor's house tonight, 5-12-08

Don't forget! We're meeting at Taylor's house tonight. Some things to remember:

1. Be on time. We start at 7 o'clock
2. Bring your Bible
3. Leave your shoes and masks at the door
4. Lift the lid before you use the toilet
5. Where 2 or more are gathered...

Re: the pic...And you guys thought that I love food. Well, if you ever go to dinner with Taylor don't order fish. He LOVES fish.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

everett here

hey guys, be lifting up chris in prayer right now while he's down at the ranch in s.d. a few things to be praying for are 1, his back is giving him a lot of problems, so healing for that, 2, clarity... for pretty much everything in his life right now, and 3, pray for the Lord to give him the peace that the Word talks about in philippians 4:7, a peace which transcends all understanding, that will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (man, pray that for me too)

God bless you guys, see you tomorrow night


Friday, May 9, 2008

Blogger Stalker

Hello out there.. We here at Listenup want this website to be used to communicate and keep in touch.. Therefore if you don't comment or add to the love and nuggets when time permits, you are being a blogger stalker. Anytime you are affiliated with stalking is bad. However, there is help. You can comment and or post and join right into the gig.. Don't be that guy who just scowers the internet. Take some time and join in the fun. At least say hello. Lets hear some chatter eh? Much Love. TG

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taking Action

Some of you may know Deyl Kearin. Check out the attached link to his blog, Pipelines to see his book reccomendation that Taylor asked about in the "Books" post below.

Shawn McDonald Concert

Shawn McDonald

May, 10 2008 at Calvary Chapel
380 S. Mobile Ave., Camarillo, California 93010
Cost : $15 advance/$20 at the door

doors 6:30pm w/ Jason Gray, and opener Jason Peate All Ages Tickets at For more info call 805.201.6298

Guys, if you have not heard his music, check it out. You will not regret going to this concert. See you there. TG

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Picture of Meekness

Hey guys, here's the rest of the nugget about the horse trainer, being submissive and how it relates to meekness from the email I sent earlier today.

Being submissive isn’t being weak. Jesus was meek not weak because He did the Father’s will. Here’s what an avid horse trainer from Texas said about the qualities of a meek horse. She gave four qualities:

1)Power under control. Once broken, a good horse doesn’t require much correction. He has learned to accept the reins of his master, and a gentle tug is all that is needed to urge him in the direction intended.

2)Learning the Masters’ mind. A special relationship develops between horse and master. After years of working together, they develop a rapport that becomes second nature to both of them. Thus trained, a good horse can sense a bad rider and will resist false guidance.

3)Partnership. Teamwork is crucial. A rider may leave his horse temporarily. He is not there beside the horse telling it what to do and personally directing every move. The horse knows its job and is capable of working even when it doesn’t feel the immediate presence of its master.

4)Loyalty. The meek horse has an elevated sense of loyalty and commitment. In the days of the wild west and the pony express, the lives of the mail carriers depended upon the horses they rode. They needed to be swift and hardy, with a measure of grit that enabled them to keep going, no matter what. Those horses would die in the running if that is what it took.

The trainer also added: “Perseverance is very important to the meek horse. A horse doesn’t become that way overnight. It takes a long, hard period of training. Horses must be taken in, trained, and made accustomed to the instruments used to harness their potential and lead them to productivity. It takes patience, sweat, and a view toward the promising future. But with these vital ingredients, the effort pays rich dividends.”



Hey guys, how many times have you heard someone recommend a book that sounds cool and you just can't remember it? There is no better book to read daily than the Good Book, durh.. But lets get some additional books circulating. Do you have any good books on your shelf that you were super blessed by? Spread the love Main!!! We can use the comments section below to exchange ideas. Remember, we are trying to become better leaders, as we are all called to be, in our homes, families and communities. Therefore, books that offer spiritual insight and books that offer financial insight etc. are all good. We were all taught different things from our fathers, good and bad habits, so lets help eachother along in walking the walk. So,read the comments section below to communicate about books or just add some to the book list on the left.. TG

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ivan here:
Brothers, I'm getting choked here seeing what God is doing and speaking through you all. Ben, I will most definitely be praying for little Courtney! And will be rejoicing with you through every triumph God claims in your life.

Thank you all for your prayers. As God's plans unfold, so too do the evil one's schemes against us. I do believe God is raising my family toward a position of greater leadership. Simultaneously, the adversary has been breaking down the communicaion between me and Chrissy. Please pray for us to find agreement and peace through God's All Powerful Holy Spirit.

Finally brethren, the Lord has pressed upon me a verse that I know is for you, for us, for the Church Universal. John 13:34-35 ~ "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Of all things that we do, that we say, that we demonstrate, it is the love we share with one another that will identify us with Christ.

Blessings and Love ~ Ivan

Friday, May 2, 2008

Worship Conference

This weekend, starting tonite, is a worship conference at Calvery Chapel Costa Mesa. Tonite Britt is speaking and Phil Wickham is playing. If you like to play the guitar and maybe want to do worship you should check this sweet opportunity out. Find more info at the Reality or Calvary website. T

Keith (Mr.FedEx)

Keith has been a staple to the growth and blessings of ListenUP. He has been with the Santa Barbara group for over a year, and has been a huge part of our weekly fellowship. Keith, we are truly going to miss seeing you each week. Your honesty and Godly insight has always been an integral part of our group. We know that there is another page turning for you as you focus in a new community and we know you will be stoked there and those you meet will be blessed. Please keep us in tune to your happenings. Thanks for being here for us and know we will always be here for you. Much Love, ListenUP SB...