Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The schemes of the enemy...

Hello men! Jason here. Tonight's lesson was awesome, and in keeping with the theme of the message I thought I would share this amazing quote by Charles Spurgeon from his book Lectures to My Students pg. 16. Britt has mentioned this same text before, but it's worth reading again because the enemy of our souls prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
The book is written to those who would take up ministry to become preachers, but it applies to us all seeing as how the bible has called each one of us to our own ministry.

"Take heed to yourselves"..."because the tempter will make his first and sharpest onset against you. If you will be the leaders against him he will spare you no further than God restraineth him. He beareth you the greatest malice that are engaged to do him the greatest mischief. As he hateth Christ more than any of us, because He is the General of the field, and the 'Captain of our salvation,' and doth more than all the world besides against the kingdom of darkness; so doth he note the leaders under Him more than the common soldiers, on the like account, in their proportion".

"Take heed, therefore, brethren, for the enemy hath a special eye on you. You shall have his most subtle insinuations, and incessant solicitations, and violent assaults. As wise and learned as you are, take heed to yourselves lest he overwit you. The devil is a greater scholar than you, and a nimbler disputant; he can 'transform himself into an angel of light' to deceive. He will get within you and trip up your heels before you are aware; he will play the juggler with you undiscerned, and cheat you of your faith or innocency, and you shall not know that you have lost it; nay, he will make you believe it is multiplied or increased when it is lost. You shall see neither hook nor line, much less the subtle angler himself, while he is offering you his bait."

But be not discouraged men, remembering at all times that the devil is a 'defeated foe' and that we walk in victory through Christ Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high! So lets use discernment to spot the enemy at work and resist him that he may flee from us!

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