Monday, October 26, 2009


Hey guys, I just wanted to share this song with you all. It's a worship song called "He Will Reign", by a hardcore band called Sleeping Giant. These guys are legit, on-fire, Spirit-filled, Christ-exalting missionaries who spit the Gospel to hardcore kids and metalheads from the US to Israel. They've got two albums of super aggressive (possibly even scary to many Christians) music with loud guitar, heavy drums, and SCREAMING vocals, but then they drop the guitars, raise their hands, and worship God in the midst of 200 sweaty, angry kids. It's amazing. God is using these guys to reach kids who most evangelicals would be afraid to look at wrong!
As I was driving home tonight I was rocking out to this song at the top of my lungs, praising God like a madman in my car, looking pretty ridiculous I'm sure, but it was so powerful I knew I had to share it with you.

It might be an acquired taste- listen to it *at least* twice!


Love you suckers,



1 John 2:6 said...

Jason, this band's sick! I love it. Where can we get some more?

jason said...

Here's their myspace, (you can hear songs from both albums):

Or check 'em on iTunes. The newer album is "Sons of Thunder". The first album has a pretty awesome worship song too, it's called "O Praise Him".