Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Apologetics Conference Calvary Chapel, SB 2/7/09

Hey guys I already invited my homegroup and now I'm extending this invitation to you all to tell you about an Apologetics Conference happening at Calvary Chapel on Saturday, February 7th at 9:00AM!

Apologetics, as most of you know, means "defense of the faith", and it is a part of what we as Christians are called to be able to do, Jude 3, 1 Peter 2:15, Colossians 4:5-6, Titus 1:9, 2 Timothy4:2.

The Conference goes on till about 3:00 I think, but I'm only going for one lecture at 9:00. Greg Koukl (www.str.org) will be speaking on the topic of "Has God Spoken". This guy is one of my favorite apologists working today. He has a weekly radio show in which he responds to listener questions in a scholarly, yet very understandable, way. I can guarantee that you'll be equipped if you come. The Lord wants us to expand in the knowledge of Him and His will, Colossians 1:9, and these kinds of conferences are one of many ways to do that.

So if you want to come, meet us there OR(!) meet us at a nearby coffee shop (message me and I'll let you know where, 'cause I don't know yet) at 8 am, and we'll have coffee and fellowship for an hour before the event.

I REALLY encourage you all to make it. I know it's super last-minute, but c'mon...who's really got plans on a Saturday morning before 10 aM?!

Hope to hear from you!


PS. Don't forget to hit me up about the coffee!!!!!!!

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